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Part 1 : The Bad Beginning

  Lemony Snicket's
      A series of unfortunate events

Part 1 : The Bad Beginning

   Violet Baudelaire is age fourteen and has a love for inventions; Klaus Baudelaire is twelve and an avid reader; Sunny Baudelaire is a baby who uses words only her siblings and parents understand, and has several surprisingly large and sharp teeth, which will come in handy. The children are told by a family friend, Mr. Poe, that their parents have died in a fire that destroyed their home. They are placed in the care of Count Olaf, said to be a distant relative although the children had never heard of him before. Olaf's house is a ramshackle with filthy living conditions covered in disconcerting eye images; it has a tower which the Baudelaires are forbidden from entering. Count Olaf is unpleasant, easily angered and forces the children to perform laborious chores. It becomes clear that Count Olaf is scheming to collect the Baudelaire's fortune. However, Violet will inherit when she turns eighteen, so he must be creative.
   One day, the Baudelaires are set the task of making dinner for Olaf and his theater troupe. They make puttanesca, but when Olaf arrives he demands roast beef. The children reminded him that he never asked them to make roast beef and Olaf becomes angry, lifting Sunny into the air and striking Klaus across the face after the children tell everyone he has only given them one bed.
Olaf gives the children roles in his new play, in which Violet will marry Olaf. The children realize something is amiss and use the library of their friendly but credulous and slightly inept neighbor, Justice Strauss, to research law. Klaus learns that the marriage in the play will be legally binding and that Olaf can inherit their fortune from it. He confronts Olaf, who gets one of his associates to put Sunny in a bird cage, dangling from outside the window of his tower. He threatens to kill her if Klaus and Violet do not follow his plan. Violet constructs a makeshift grappling hook and uses it to climb up the tower. She finds the hook-handed man (a member of Olaf's theater troupe) waiting to capture her. Klaus is brought up to the tower and they are locked together in the room until the play begins.
    After Violet signs the marriage document, Olaf interrupts to tell the audience that their wedding was legally binding. Justice Strauss and Mr. Poe both object, but concede that the law requires them to hand over the Baudelaire fortune to Olaf. Violet interrupts to proclaim that the marriage was not legally binding, as she signed with her left hand despite being right-handed. Justice Strauss agrees that this invalidates the marriage. Before Olaf can be arrested, one of his associates turns the lights in the theatre off and he is able to escape. Justice Strauss tells the Baudelaires that she is willing to adopt them; however, Mr. Poe says that this would go against their parents' will and takes them back to his household until he can find another guardian for them.


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